Saturday, June 8, 2013

And if it falls off, kick it.

(Button available on Etsy.) 
This week I was working on a brochure for someone in another department, and he seemed to feel that some sort of small talk was in order during the process of watching me make changes to the layout.  So, à propos of nothing, he asked if I had watched Does Someone Have to Go? on television the other night.

I replied, "No, what's it about?"

"Reality TV program."


"Dan, as you may have gathered from the "what did you do on the weekend" portion of our Tuesday departmental meetings that you attend, I write a blog about science fiction and fantasy for fun - I've been doing it for about seven years.  I own more than 3,000 science fiction, fantasy and horror novels, along with a selection of comic books, illustrated magazines, and reference material - not to mention the DVDs and Blu-rays. I've been a science fiction fan since I was about eight, but I like to think that I actually became a fan in the womb, in the same fashion that babies can get a drug addiction from their mothers, because my mother was a science fiction fan.  DOES THAT SOUND TO YOU LIKE SOMEONE WHO HAS ANY INTEREST IN REALITY?!?"

Honestly, give your head a shake, Dan.
- Sid

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